January 9, 2013


Look at my new hat for fighting this cold weather!
Os presento a mi nuevo gorro para combatir este tiempo tan frío!

Oh Virgin Mary! It's cold! She is with her neon lights all around hehe.

Hi! I was looking forward to telling you about what happened to me this morning... 7.30 AM, Ireland, January .... Too cold!!! I was as a penguin in the Artic and what was worst, just showered ... Ice growing in my head for sure!.

After all this bad feeling, around midday I went to my NEW FAVOURITE FASHION SHOP River Island, the girl know me ( Sorry Mar :p) and I asked her for the coolest hat in the shop!! I had two Eskimos living in my ears!!!

So ... look what a cool new hat I have bought ! It's very warm and made of authentic Irish wool, nothing to do with rats wool hehe.

I give you some pics, I also went to visit the Virgin and let the Eskimos with her to make her some company... Because this matter about being virgin I don't believe too much, in Spain something with that lights is a brothel!

Que frio Virgencita!!! Que me la tienen iluminada con sus neones y todo xD

Buenas que ganas tenia de contaros lo que me ha ocurrido esta mania... 7:30 AM, Irlanda, Enero... Que frio!!! Como pinguinos en la Antartida y para colmo duchado... Escarcha en el pelo fijo.

Despues de este malestar a media mañana he tenido que ir a mi NUEVA TIENDA DE ROPA FAVORITA River Island,
ya la chica me conocía (Lo siento Mar :P) y le pedí el gorrito mas chulo que tuviera!! Que tengo viviendo en las orejas a dos Esquimales!!

Bueno... mirad que pasada de gorro nuevo que me he recogido, muy calentito y de lana autentica Irlandesa, nada de lana de rata.

Buenos os dejo unas fotitos y fui a ver a la virgen para dejar a los esquimales para que les hiciera compañía... Que lo de "virgen" no me lo creo, en España una casa así es una casa de PU...

Hat / Gorrito - €45

Night / Noche - €? xD

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